Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seminar_Centre for Development studies,Trivendrum,-

The Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum is organizing a national conference to understand the challenges in human development in India on January 24-25,2009.
The seminar intends to address both theoretical and empirical issues centered on, but not limited to, the following themes:
  1. . Human development: Conceptual and measurement issues
  2. . Poverty eradication, inclusive growth and human development
  3. . Child and Maternal nutrition and nutrition intake
  4. . Mortality, Morbidity, access to health care services and burden of disease
  5. . Gender and freedom, inequity and human development
  6. . School education and higher education: equity, access and quality issues
  7. . Role of the governance, institutions, policies and programmes in enhancing
  8. human development
  9. . Liberalization, public expenditure and human development
  10. . Infrastructure and human development
  11. . Second generation problems in human development
  12. . Understanding social and regional disparities in human development
  13. . Human development in human rights perspective
For contributing papers to the conference in any of the above themes, please send
the abstract/paper proposal, limited to two pages, to latest by October 1, 2008. We encourage young researchers/scholars working in these areas to contribute papers. The primary author of the papers accepted for presentation will be given financial support for travel and free accommodation during the Conference period. It is also planned to bring out an edited volume with selected papers presented.

Important Dates:
Abstract/proposal submission: 1 October 2008
Decision on acceptance of the paper proposal: 5 October 2008
Submission of full paper: 31 December 2008
Conference Dates: 24-25 January 2009.

For any more information, contact Dr. K. Navaneetham, or
Dr. Vijayamohanan Pillai , the coordinators of the



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